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Tip Tuesday: Prep Now to Sell Later

Prep now for a successful sale later!

The real estate market is hot, hot, hot!  However, if you’re not ready to sell now but plan to in the next 6 months  then there are 5 things you can do now to prep for sale then.

  1. Take Pictures:  Your house will arguably look much better now than it does in February with no leaves on the trees and snow on the ground.
  2. Make a Schedule:  Give yourself some timelines.  Put your “go-to-market” date on the calendar and work backwards from there.
  3. Have a pre-listing inspection done on your home:  Get ahead of potential issues by having a pre-listing inspection.  It will cost you $400-$600 but will allow you the opportunity to get ahead of any problems and not have any “surprises.”
  4. De-clutter:  Don’t wait until the week before to clean the closets and basement; start now.  Plan to tackle one room each week and make 4 piles (keep, toss, sell, donate).
  5. Find your Realtor:  Harrison Real Estate would love to meet with you and share our custom marketing plan for your home.  Our complimentary seller consultation will leave you excited for your future sale!  Contact us here!


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